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Richard Smith
File Number
9/2/99 Proposal in 9/1/99 letter discussed by MB, MV and RBS. Agreed to make repurchase of C by A non-reportable since we had already reviewed As purchase of B (which included C)and D's proposed purchase of B (which includes C). Since A repurchasing C will happen immediately upon D's purchase of B, we agreed based on all these facts that A will not need to file for repurchase of C. MB said decision based on adequate explanation of whydeal was structured this way. The 9/2 letter provides the reason (Basis for call is continuum theory with a reasonable extension for present facts.) R.B. Smith- also see File # 9909001



September 2, 1999

Via Facsimile

Richard B. Smith
Premerger Notification Office
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20580

Dear Dick:

This will confirm our telephone conversation today regarding the transaction posed in my letter dated September 1, 1999. Tax considerations are the driving factors underlying the somewhat circuitous structure of the transaction.

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.

Very truly yours,



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