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Event Description

The Federal Trade Commission, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General will co-host a workshop on several issues associated with Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), organizations authorized by the new Affordable Care Act that seek to deliver high-quality and efficient health care services to consumers.  The workshop will address and solicit public comments on the legal issues raised by various ACO models being considered by health care providers.

NOTE: Registration is Mandatory (Registration is NOT required for the webcast)


MORNING SESSIONS may be accessed via web cast only at

AFTERNOON SESSIONS may be accessed via web cast at or teleconference at (800) 837-1935; Conference ID # 10359376.

The audio for the web cast event will be streamed via your computer speakers.

Please test your connection prior to joining to ensure a successful user experience.
Connection Test:

NOTE: If you wish to make a comment during the afternoon Listening Session you must participate through the teleconference line. You will not be able to make a comment over the web cast.


Detailed registration information is available through the Federal Register Notice.

For security reasons, any persons wishing to attend this meeting must register by 5:00 p.m. e.d.t. on September 27, 2010.  Persons interested in attending the meeting must register by completing the on‑line registration via the designated website at  The on‑line registration system will generate a confirmation page to indicate the completion of your registration.  Please print this page as your registration receipt.  Seating capacity is limited to the first 350 registrants. 

Note:  Individuals who are not registered in advance will not be permitted to enter the building and will be unable to attend the meeting.

Individuals who require special accommodations should send an email request to or via regular mail to:

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Mail Stop C5-15-12,
7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850

Requests for special accommodations must be received by 5:00 p.m. e.d.t. on September 27, 2010

Individuals may also participate in the listening session by teleconference or webcast.  Information regarding attending via teleconference and web conference will be posted on the CMS website at prior to the session.

FTC Privacy Policy

Under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) or other laws, we may be required to disclose to outside organizations the information you provide when you pre-register for events that require registration. The Commission will consider all timely and responsive public comments, whether filed in paper or electronic form, and as a matter of discretion, we make every effort to remove home contact information for individuals from the public comments before posting them on the FTC website.

The FTC Act and other laws we administer permit the collection of your pre-registration contact information and the comments you file to consider and use in this proceeding as appropriate. For additional information, including routine uses permitted by the Privacy Act, see the Commission’s Privacy Act system for public records and comprehensive privacy policy.

This event will be open to the public and may be photographed, videotaped, webcast, or otherwise recorded.  By participating in this event, you are agreeing that your image — and anything you say or submit — may be posted indefinitely at or on one of the Commission's publicly available social media sites.