Event Description
Protecting Sensitive Business and Customer Information: Practical Data Security Practices for Your Business. Experts from the FTC and IRS discuss:
- Protecting your business, customers, and employees against tax identity theft
- Imposter scams that target small businesses
- Practical cybersecurity practices, and
- Responding to a data breach
Please join us and ask questions. We’ll respond to as many as time allows. 2:00 p.m. ET
How to join the webinar:
You’ll need to link to the webinar on your computer and dial in to be able to both see and hear the program.
To see the webinar on your computer, click this link, or paste the following link into your browser: https://ftc.webex.com/ftc/onstage/g.php?MTID=e143cd0b91b9788504695251e698fddc1.
To hear the webinar: Call 844-721-7241 and enter Access Code: 6655157.