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Event Description

Oral Argument before the Commission in the matter of Intuit, Inc., Docket No. 9408.   The oral argument will be webcast through the FTC website.  Immediately following oral argument, the Commission will meet in an executive session closed to the public. The vote to close the meeting for the executive session was 5-0. Expected to attend the closed meeting are the Commissioners themselves, advisors to the Commissioners, and such other Commission staff as may be appropriate.

In accordance with the provisions of the Government in the Sunshine Act, notice is given that the Federal Trade Commission has determined and the General Counsel has certified that the executive session will be closed to the public pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Sections 552b(c)(10) and 552b(d)(4) and that the public interest does not require the executive session to be open to the public. Contact: April Tabor, Secretary, (202) 326-2514.