Federal Trade Commission staff members will brief the Commissioners on the status of the proposed Telemarketing Sales Rule at a meeting on Wednesday, May 3, at 4 p.m. in room 432 of the FTC headquarters building, 6th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. The meeting is open to the public.
At the meeting, staff from the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection will advise the Commission regarding issues and concerns raised by public comments on the proposed rule. The proposal, announced Feb. 9 and published in the Federal Register on Feb. 14, would ban numerous deceptive or abusive telemarketing sales practices. The FTC held a three-day public workshop- conference in Chicago April 18-20, and the staff announced at that time that it would recommend that the Commission issue a second, revised proposed rule for public comment in June.
Copies of the proposed rule are available from the FTC's Public Reference Branch, Room 130, 6th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580. The proposed rule and public comments also are posted on the Internet. The FTC ConsumerLine gopher server is located at CONSUMER.FTC.GOV 2416. For World Wide Web access, the Uniform Resource Locator is GOPHER://CONSUMER.FTC.GOV:2416.
(FTC Matter No. R411001)