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WHAT: Forty-nine million Americans lack health insurance. The FTC and 20 state enforcement officials will announce a crackdown on the scammers who target the uninsured, the unemployed, and the uninsurable to peddle "medical discount plans" fraudulently marketed as health insurance.
WHEN: 11 A.M., Wednesday, August 11, 2010
WHERE: Federal Trade Commission
Alexander Hamilton U. S. Customs House
One Bowling Green - Museum Entrance
New York, New York 10004
WHO: David Vladeck, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection

Lori Swanson, Minnesota Attorney General

Greg Zoeller, Indiana Attorney General

James J. Wrynn, New York Insurance Superintendent

A consumer guest 

Reporters who wish to participate, but who cannot attend the event can call 1-866-363-9013. The conference leader is Gail Kingsland and the conference ID is 93067985

Contact Information

Office of Public Affairs