The Federal Trade Commission has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to strengthen cross-border cooperation regarding Do Not Call and anti-spam enforcement matters.

The MOU was signed by FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez and Jean-Pierre Blais, the Chairman of the CRTC.

“As we see more cross-border fraud, we must often rely on our enforcement partners around the world to help protect U.S. consumers. This agreement will enhance cooperation with the CRTC as we work together to combat illegal telemarketing and spam,” said Chairwoman Ramirez.
The CRTC enforces the Canadian Anti-Spam Law, which became effective in 2014. Among other things, the law prohibits the sending of unsolicited commercial email and enables Canadian authorities to provide investigative assistance to foreign enforcement agencies, including the FTC.
The MOU recognizes the long-standing partnership between the two agencies, which includes many joint Do Not Call enforcement activities. It encourages U.S. and Canadian authorities to continue and expand information exchanges, and provide assistance for cross-border Do Not Call and anti-spam enforcement purposes.
The MOU also encourages staff exchanges and policy-related initiatives, such as the Robocall Challenges that have led to crowd-sourced technological solutions to these calls. Under the MOU, U.S. and Canadian authorities must maintain the confidentiality of information that has been shared.
The Commission vote authorizing Chairwoman Ramirez to sign the MOU on behalf of the agency was 4-0.

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Peter Kaplan
Office of Public Affairs