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Michael Verne
No to both.


Dear Mikehope all is well with you.

This is a questionregarding the indirect acquisition of control of an LP through a redemption. Ihave included a copy of an informal interpretation that might be helpful here.

Redemption ofPartnership Interest

A is amultinational company, it holds numerous investments both minority positionsand controlling interests, including a minority position in B, a limitedpartnership and a minority position in C, a limited liability company. B has anumber of limited partners, it holds controlling interests in a number ofentities as well has a minority position in C. D, a minority investors inBasked B to redeem its interest in B. B redeemed D's limited partnershipinterest and that redemption caused A to have a controlling interest in B. Awas not instrumental in causing the redemption, A learned of the control issuecaused by the redemption while engaging in an analysis of a separatetransaction.


As stated above,both A and B hold minority positions in C. The aggregation of A and B'sinterest in C caused A to have a controlling interest in C. A was not instrumentalin causing the redemption. As mentioned above, A learned of the control issuecaused by the redemption while engaging in an analysis of a separatetransaction.


1.Does the redemption by B whichcaused A to control B described above require an HSR filing?

2.Would the result of A controllingC caused by B'S redemption described above require an HSR filing?

Please let me knowif you have any questions. Many thanks as always for your guidance,

About Informal Interpretations

Informal interpretations provide guidance from previous staff interpretations on the applicability of the HSR rules to specific fact situations. You should not rely on them as a substitute for reading the Act and the Rules themselves. These materials do not, and are not intended to, constitute legal advice.

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