February 17, 1993
VIA FAX - (202) 326-2050
Richard Smith, Staff Attorney
Premerger Notification Office
Room 301
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, D.C. 20580
Re: Duty of Real Estate Investment Trust to Make
Premerger Notification and Report
Dear Mr. Smith:
As we discussed today, I am writing to request your opinion as to whether a certain transaction described below involving two real estate investment trusts would require filing of the premerger notification and report under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act.
REIT A and REIT B are both California business trusts formed in compliance with Section 23000 et seq. of the California Corporations Code. Each REIT operates in a manner so as to qualify as a real estate investment trust under Section 856 et seq. of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. REIT A has assets worth more than $55,000,000, the ultimate parent entity of REIT A has assets worth over $100,000,000 and REIT B has assets worth more than $30,000,000.
REIT A proposes to acquire all of the assets of REIT B in exchange for newly issued shares of REIT A (the New Share). REIT B will dissolve and distribute the New Shares to its shareholders at an exchange ratio of 1.5 New Shares for each outstanding share of REIT B. The assets which REIT A will acquire are as follows: about $30,000,000 of real property, about $4,000,000 of notes receivable, and other assets worth about $2,000,000. REIT B will receive in exchange 6,266,585 New Shares, which are worth around $13,500,000 based on the trading price of REIT A Shares immediately prior to public announcement of the proposed transaction. REIT B will hold about 40 percent of the voting securities of REIT A after completion of the transaction.
Please call me at (redacted) at your earliest convenience.
Very truly yours,
cc: (redacted)