From: (redacted)
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 5:47 PM
To: Verne, Michael
Subject: HSR Question
Hi Mike. Further to my voice mail message, please call me to discuss "control" in the following circumstances:
"A" is a closed corporation that does not have a board of directors. Accordingly, the typical way of calculating percentage of voting securities does not apply. There are 4 shareholders. Shareholder 1 owns 50% of the outstanding number of shares; Shareholder 2 owns 25%; Shareholder 3 owns 1 share less than 25% but has an irrevocable proxy to vote one additional share so its voting power is 25%; Shareholder 4 owns the one share that Shareholder 3 has the irrevocable proxy to vote.
Many matters require an 80% vote to pass. Others require majority. In the event of a 50/50 tie, Shareholder 4 can serve as a tie breaker or can choose not to in which case the proposed action fails.
My question is -- does Shareholder 1 (the holder of 50% of the outstanding shares) control "A"?