From: (Redacted)
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 12:13 PM
To: Verne, B. Michael; Walsh, Kathryn
Subject: UPE, financials, entity Series Delaware Statutory
Trust quick questions
Hi guys,
I'm sure you are both very happy to see each other in the office! I think this is a little bit of an odd question (at least for me). The acquiring person is a "B Fund, a Series of B___ Funds, a Delaware Statutory Trust". I understand the funds have around 30 series. Just a few questions:
1. UPE- I recall for UPE purposes you aggregate the interest held in all the series, is that right?
2. Financials - The series issue annual reports, do you need the annual report for each series or only the investing fund series?
3. Revenues - Do you want the revenues from all series or just the investing fund series?
4. Entity Information - Do you want the subsidiaries, minority holdings from all series or just the investing fund series?