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The Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection invites consumers, businesspeople, technologists, law enforcement officials, academics, and other interested parties to participate in shaping the agenda for the recently announced 2006 Hearings on Global Marketing and Technology. The hearings, which will be held in the fall of 2006, will bring together experts from diverse fields to explore the consumer protection issues and challenges arising from convergence in communications technology and the globalization of commerce. The hearings also will provide an opportunity to examine changes that have occurred in marketing and technology over the past decade, and to garner experts’ views on coming challenges and opportunities for consumers, businesses, and governmental bodies.

In order to create an agenda that reflects the most important concerns regarding consumer protection issues and emerging technology, Bureau of Consumer Protection staff invites interested parties to submit suggestions for topics to be considered during the hearings, as well as suggested speakers and participants. Please send suggestions to the following email address only: To be considered, suggestions must be sent by April 17, 2006, must be limited to 500 words contained in the text of an email message (attachments will not be viewed), and must include the name, affiliation (if any), telephone number, and email address of the submitter.

Bureau of Consumer Protection staff will consider submissions in formulating an agenda for the hearings. Once an agenda is completed, it will be posted on the FTC’s website along with further instructions regarding requests to participate, requests for white papers, and attendance at the hearings.

Contact Information

Media Contact:
FTC Office of Public Affairs