That’s the message from “We Don’t Serve Teens,” a national campaign to reduce underage drinking, which is helping parents protect their kids with, a Web site sponsored by the Federal Trade Commission and other public and private sector organizations.
“Teen drinking is not inevitable,” said Lydia Parnes, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “All adults can play a role in reducing teen access to alcohol. The goal of this campaign is to empower parents and others with tools to help reduce underage drinking.”
For more information on stopping teens’ easy access to alcohol, the dangers of teen drinking, and what to say to friends and neighbors about serving alcohol to teens, visit, which was prepared and is being maintained by the FTC. Any organization is welcome to use materials offered on the Web site, including press releases, announcements for broadcasters, and camera-ready logos. The Web site is available in both English and Spanish.
Other organizations involved in this campaign are the U.S. Department of Treasury Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, the Century Council, the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association, the National Consumers League, Students Against Destructive Decisions, the Responsible Retailing Forum, the National Liquor Law Enforcement Administration, the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors, Inc., and the American Beverage Licensees.
Also, stickers, lapel pins, and signs are being distributed to alcohol retailers nationwide to remind patrons, “We Don’t Serve Teens.”
Contact Information
- Media Contact:
Jacqueline Dizdul,
Office of Public Affairs