FTC Headquarters
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Event Description
This workshop was part of the FTC and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's (NTIA) effort to gather information to report to Congress on the benefits and burdens of å¤ 101(c)(1)(C)(ii) of the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act ("ESIGN") which authorizes the use of an electronic record to send legally required information to consumers if the consumer consents or confirms consent "in a manner that reasonably demonstrates that they can access the information." Congress mandated this report under å¤ 105(b) of ESIGN and required the submission of this study by June 30, 2001. Through this workshop we hoped to advance our understanding of the benefits and burdens to businesses and consumers resulting from the consumer consent provision of å¤ 101(c)(1)(C)(ii). The workshop consisted of moderated roundtable discussions with representatives from industry, government, consumer advocate groups and other interested parties.
Transcript - Files
Filetranscripts.pdf (318.15 KB)