Displaying 1 - 20 of 101
FTC Takes Action to Stop Lyft from Deceiving Drivers with Misleading Earnings Claims
FTC Warns Companies to Stop Warranty Practices That Harm Consumers’ Right to Repair
FTC Sends Refunds to Former AT&T Wireless Customers Who Were Subject to Data Throttling
FTC Order Will Ban California-based Company from COVID-19 Advertising Claims
Precision Patient Outcomes
In November 2022, the FTC filed a complaint in court seeing civil penalties against California-based Precision Patient Outcomes, Inc. and the company’s CEO Margrett Priest Lewis for marketing an over-the-counter dietary supplement containing nothing more than vitamins, zinc, and a flavonoid as an effective treatment to mitigate the effects of COVID-19. In February 2024, the FTC announced an order settling its allegations that bars the defendants from the alleged deceptive practices.