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FTC Nonmerger Enforcement Actions (CSV, 31.6 KB)


FTC Nonmerger Enforcement Actions (Dictionary) (CSV, 0.69 KB)


This data set includes information on all nonmerger enforcement actions brought by the Federal Trade Commission from fiscal year 1996 to fiscal year 2019. The data set contains descriptive information on the characteristics of each matter as well as URLs to the individual case pages that are published on the FTC's website and that contain public documents pertaining to each case.
FTC Merger Enforcement Actions (CSV, 80.89 KB)

FTC Merger Enforcement Actions (Dictionary) (CSV, 1.12 KB)


This data set includes information on all public merger enforcement actions brought by the Federal Trade Commission from fiscal year 2000 to the second quarter of fiscal year 2019. The data set contains descriptive information on the characteristics of each matter as well as URLs to the individual case pages that are published on the FTC's website and that contain public documents pertaining to each case.

BC Civil Penalty Actions (CSV, 6.24 KB)


BC Civil Penalty Actions (Dictionary) (CSV, 0.65 KB)


This data set includes information on all civil penalty actions under the Competition Mission brought by the Federal Trade Commission from fiscal year 1996 to fiscal year 2019. The data set contains descriptive information on the characteristics of each matter as well as URLs to the individual case pages that are published on the FTC's web site and that contain public documents pertaining to each case.
BCP Civil Penalty ActionsN/AThis data set includes information on all civil penalty actions under the Consumer Protection Mission brought by the Federal Trade Commission from fiscal year 2000 to second quarter of fiscal year 2018.

HSR Merger Filings by Month (CSV, 4.44 KB )


HSR Merger Filings by Month (Dictionary) (CSV, 0.29 KB)


This data set includes information on merger filings received on a monthly basis under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act for the period from fiscal year 1990 to second quarter of fiscal year 2019.

HSR Transactions Filings and Second Requests by Fiscal Year (CSV, 1.95 KB)


HSR Transactions Filings and Second Requests by Fiscal Year (Dictionary) (CSV, 1.42 KB)


This data set includes information on the total number of transactions and filings received each fiscal year under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act for the period from fiscal year 1990 to second quarter fiscal year 2019. The data set also includes fiscal year data on the second requests issued by the FTC and the DOJ as well as data on requests for early terminations and the outcome of those requests.


Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book

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Report Categories for the Consumer Sentinel Network
Report Subcategories for the Consumer Sentinel Network

Do Not Call Complaints

Explore Data with the FTC - Find out about Do Not Call complaints and registrationsThe FTC receives a large volume of requests seeking data from the Do Not Call complaint database. The data contains the telephone number that made the unwanted call, when the call was made, the subject matter of the call, and whether the call was a robocall. This data set is typically updated each weekday by about noon Eastern time. Weekend data is included in Monday’s file and holiday data is included in the file posted the next business day.

Do Not Call Data Books

FY 2022 Data BookFY 2021 Data Book 
FY 2020 Data BookFY 2017 Data BookFY 2013 Data Book
FY 2019 Data Book FY 2015 Data BookFY 2012 Data Book
FY 2018 Data BookFY 2014 Data BookFY 2011 Data Book