If you are seeking non-public FTC records concerning you or your dependent, you must fill out a Privacy Act request.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: All requests should be made through the Public Access Link (PAL) or sent to FOIA@ftc.gov, as we cannot guarantee timely receipt of Privacy Act requests sent through the mail at this time.
How To Make a Privacy Act Request
You can submit a request in any one of the following methods listed below, but submitting the request online is the most efficient method.
- Submit your request online. You first need to fill out the Privacy Act request form and download it to your computer. Click on the button below to submit your completed form.
Make a Privacy Act Request
Or - Fax your request to (202) 326-2477.
Or - Send your request via postal mail to the address below.
Privacy Act Request
Office of General Counsel
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580
Privacy Act Contacts
Privacy Act Requester Service Center: (202) 326-2430
Privacy Act Public Liaison: Richard Gold, (202) 326-3355