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Hearst Trust, The, The Hearst Corporation, and First DataBank, Inc.

The Commission negotiated an agreement with The Hearst Corporation (Hearst) to settle a permanent injunction action filed by the FTC alleging that Hearst failed to provide documents required by premerger notification law and then consummated a merger that monopolized the integrated drug information database market. Under the terms of the order, Hearst divested the Medi-Span business to Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. , a subsidiary of Wolters Kluwer, n.v., disgorged $19 million in profits, and to complied with certain other obligations.

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Metso Oyj, and Svedala Industri AB, In the Matter of

Metso settled charges that if its acquisition of Svedala Industries AB were allowed to proceed as planned, competition would be lessened in four rock processing equipment markets: primary gyratory crushers; jaw crushers; cone crushers; and grinding mills. The firms agreed to divest Metso's worldwide primary gyratory crusher and grinding mill businesses and Svedala's worldwide jaw crusher and cone crusher businesses. The three crusher businesses would be purchased by Sandvik AB, a Swedish corporation; the grinding mill business would be purchased by Outokumpu of Finland. Metso and Svedala are the two largest suppliers of rock processing equipment in the world.

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Hearst Trust, The, and The Hearst Corporation., U.S. (for the FTC)

Hearst and its subsidiary paid a $4 million civil penalty to settle charges that they failed to include required documents in the notification and report form file in 1998 for the proposed acquisition of Medi-Span International, Inc. The complaint alleged that the omitted documents hindered the antitrust agencies in their review and analysis of the proposed acquisition. The complaint, stipulation and final judgment were filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by Commission attorneys acting as special attorneys to the United States Attorney General. During fiscal year 2001, the Commission filed a related complaint for a permanent injunction alleging that Hearst and First DataBank created a monopoly through the acquisition of Medi-Span, First DataBank's only other competitor selling software and data detailing information for pharmaceutical prices, descriptions, dosages, and interactions. The Final Order and Stipulation requiring divestiture and disgorgement of profits was entered December 18, 2001.

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FTC Closes Phillips-Tosco Investigation

The Federal Trade Commission today announced that it has formally closed its investigation into the proposed merger of Phillips Petroleum Corporation (Phillips) and Tosco Corporation (Tosco)...

Siemens AG and Vodafone Group Plc, In the Matter of

Siemens settled charges relating to its proposed $9 billion acquisition of Atecs Mannesmann AG, a subsidiary of Vodafone. The consent order requires, among other things, the divestiture of Vodafone's Mannesmann Dematic Postal Automation business to Northrop Grumman Corporation. Siemens and Vodafone, through its Dematic subsidiary, are the two leading suppliers of postal automation systems in the world.

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DTE Energy Company and MCN Energy Group Inc.

A final order permitted the $4 billion merger of MCN, a natural gas utility servicing communities in Michigan, and DTE, a public utility engaged in the generation and sale of electricity in Detroit and southeastern Michigan. The consent order resolves Commission concerns that the merger would lessen competition in the local distribution of electricity and in the local distribution of natural gas in the city of Detroit and in the Michigan counties of Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne. MCN is the parent of Michigan Consolidated Gas Company and DTE is the parent holding company of The Detroit Edison Company.

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Hoechst Marion Roussel, Inc.; Carderm Capital L.P.; and Andrx Corporation

A consent order settled allegations in an administrative complaint that charged that Hoechst agreed to pay Andrx Corporation millions of dollars not to market and distribute a generic version of Hoechst’s branded Cardizem CD, a once-a-day diltiazem drug product used in the treatment of hypertension and angina. The consent order prohibits the companies from entering into agreements designed to restrict the entry of generic competitors in an attempt to monopolize relevant markets .

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Alaska Healthcare Network, Inc.

An association of 86 physicians practicing in the Fairbanks, Alaska area settled charges that the Alaskan Healthcare Network illegally formulated a fee schedule based on its members’ current prices for use in negotiations with third-party payers in an effort to obtain higher prices for medical services.

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H.J. Heinz Company and Milnot Holding Corp

The FTC sought a preliminary injunction to block H.J. Heinz Company's (Heinz) proposed $185 million acquisition of Milnot Holding Company, owner of Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation (Beech-Nut), citing concerns that the transaction would reduce the number of competitors in the baby food market from three to two, creating a duopoly. Heinz and Beech-Nut are the nation's second- and third-largest producers of prepared baby food.  The district court denied the motion, but the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia reversed the federal district court decision and granted the Commission’s request for entry of a preliminary injunction.  Soon after, the parties abandoned the transaction.

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