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ITMedia Solutions LLC

A lead generation company that collected sensitive information from millions of consumers under the guise of connecting them with lenders will pay $1.5 million in civil penalties and face restrictions on their operations as a result of a Federal Trade Commission lawsuit.

The FTC’s complaint alleges that since at least 2012, ITMedia Solutions LLC, a number of affiliate companies, and their owners and officers have operated hundreds of websites that were designed to entice consumers into sharing their most sensitive financial information—including their Social Security numbers and bank account information. The defendants sold that information to marketing companies and others without regard for how the information would be used, according to the complaint.

Type of Action
Process Enforcement
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number
Case Status

Moneta Management Inc.

Moneta Management, LLC, Moneta Management, Inc., and their CEO Michael Todd Greene settled FTC allegations that they knowingly provided false or deceptive information to credit card and ACH processors to obtain merchant processing for a student debt relief scam operated by Brandon Frere and his three companies.

Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number
192 3154
Case Status

SLAC, Inc.

SLAC (also doing business as Aspyre), Navloan, Student Loan Assistance Center, and Adam Owens -- three California-based student loan debt relief companies and their owner -- have agreed to be permanently banned from the debt relief business in order to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that they falsely promised to lower or eliminate consumers’ student loans for an illegal upfront fee. The FTC also alleged that the companies and Owens failed to disclose that they paid consumers for positive Better Business Bureau (BBB) reviews.

Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number
172 3090
Case Status

Manhattan Beach Venture, LLC, et al.

The Federal Trade Commission charged the operators of two similar student loan debt relief schemes, Manhattan Beach Ventures and Student Advocates Team, and a financing company that assisted them, Equitable Acceptance Corporation, with bilking millions of dollars from consumers.

In May 2021, the FTC sent payments totaling more than $273,500 to consumers who lost money to the student loan debt relief scheme.

Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number
172 3041
Case Status