IMPORTANT NOTICE (2/19/2025): On February 18, 2025, a vendor providing FOIA support services experienced a data outage that may have affected the FTC’s ability to receive FOIA requests. If you submitted a FOIA request on February 18, 2025, and have not yet been contacted by a member of the FTC’s FOIA staff, please contact us at and we will be happy to assist you. Thank you.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: All requests should be made through the Public Access Link (PAL) or sent to, as we cannot guarantee timely receipt of FOIA requests sent through the mail at this time.
The FTC's website is a storehouse of information about the Commission’s activities. The site contains consumer information, business guidance, economic reports and analysis, speeches, press releases, and other documents created by the FTC. If the information you are seeking is on the FTC's public record, a formal FOIA request is not necessary.
Finding Information Without Filing a FOIA Request
If the information you are seeking is on the FTC's public record, a formal FOIA request is not necessary. You can take these steps to find the FTC information you’re seeking:
- Visit the FOIA Reading Room to view the many FTC records already requested.
- Browse or search the FTC website for consumer guidance and law enforcement actions. The site is keyword searchable and features information that the Commission currently places on its public record, so it is your best source for FTC public records.
- For public documents older than 1997, please contact the FTC’s Office of the Secretary at
How to Make a FOIA Request
You can submit a request in any one of the following methods listed below, but submitting the request online is the most efficient method.
- Submit your request online.
MAKE A FOIA REQUEST - Fax your request to (202) 326-2477.
- Send your request via postal mail to the address below. See sample templates for a FOIA Request Letter and a FOIA Appeal Letter.
Freedom of Information Act Request
Office of General Counsel
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580
How To Make a Privacy Act Request
You can submit a request online or through postal mail, but submitting the request online is the most efficient method.
The Privacy Act of 1974 requires additional identification to obtain agency records about yourself or a specific individual. 5 U.S.C. § 552a(b). If you are requesting records about yourself, we are required to verify your identity before releasing your records. If you are a third-party requesting records about a specific individual, that individual is required to authorize the release of records. If submitting a Privacy Act request, you must submit your request and verify through any of the following options below:
1. You can provide digital authentication through To digitally authenticate your identity, click the button marked Verify ID. If you choose to verify your identity digitally, we will consider that a certification of your identity and your consent to allow you to access your information protected by the Privacy Act. See 5 U.S.C. §§ 552 a(b), (d)(1).
2. You can complete, sign and submit a Request for Access to Records Protected Under the Privacy Act Form ("Privacy Act Form"). Please fill in the digital PDF, or print the form and complete it, scan the form to create an electronic form, and attach the form by clicking the button marked Upload Attachment. This form also provides certification of your identity and your consent to access your information covered by the Privacy Act. See 5 U.S.C. §§ 552a(b), (d)(1).
3. Email your request with the signed Privacy Act form to
4. Send your request via postal mail with the signed Privacy Act form included to the following address:
Office of General Counsel
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580
Expedited Processing of FOIA Requests
We generally process requests in the order in which they are received. However, you may request expedited handling of your request if you believe there is a compelling need for a more rapid response. To qualify for expedited processing, you must show that: (1) failure to obtain the records quickly could pose an imminent threat to the life or safety of a specific individual; or (2) your primary job is to disseminate information and there is an urgency to inform the public about actual or alleged Federal government activity. A FOIA officer will respond to your request for expedited treatment within ten calendar days of receiving it to let you know whether the request has been granted. If expedited treatment is granted, the request will be processed as soon as practicable FOIA request logs
FOIA Request Logs
- Pending FOIA Requests (as of 02/28/2025) (57.8 KB)
- Closed FOIA Requests (as of 02/28/2025) (1.09 MB)
Fee Regulations
FOIA allows the FTC to charge fees to process your FOIA request. If we estimate that the fees for processing your request will exceed $25, we will not begin to process it without your permission. You may indicate in your FOIA request the amount of fees you are willing to pay or wait for us to contact you to discuss the possible fees. We cannot begin to process your request until we come to an agreement on fees.
FOIA Contacts
FOIA Requester Service Center: (202) 326-2430
FTC FOIA Public Liaison:
Richard Gold, (202) 326-3355
Email your FOIA comments to