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Announced Actions for October 4, 2005

Commission approval of proposed divestiture: On May 6, 2005, Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. (Magellan) filed a petition requesting the Commission’s approval of the proposed divestiture of certain...

Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P., et al., In the Matter of

Under terms of a consent order, Magellan completed its acquisition of pipelines and terminals in the Midwestern United States and a refined petroleum products terminal in Oklahoma City that supplies light petroleum products such as gasoline and diesel fuel from the Shell Oil Company. The consent order required Magellan to divest the Shell Oklahoma City terminal to a Commission-approved buyer within six months after the transaction is consummated.
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FTC Matter/File Number

Announced Actions for September16, 2005

Commission approval of proposed divestitures: The Commission has approved a petition seeking approval of three proposed divestitures required under the FTC’s order regarding Valero L.P.’s (Valero)...

Valero, L.P., Valero Energy Corporation, et al., In the Matter of

The consent order permitted Valero L.P. to acquire Kaneb Services LLC and Kaneb Pipe Line Partners subject to the divestitures of assets that will preserve existing competition for petroleum transportation and terminaling in Northern California, Pennsylvania, and Colorado, and avoid a potential increase in bulk gasoline and diesel prices. The order also requires Valero to develop an information firewall and maintain open, non-discriminatory access to two retained Northern California terminals, in order to ensure access to ethanol terminaling in Northern California.
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Announced Action for September 13, 2005

Commission authorization of the staff to file joint amicus brief: The Commission has authorized the staff of the Office of General Counsel to file a joint amicus brief with the U.S. Department of...

FTC Resolves Aloha Petroleum Litigation

The Federal Trade Commission today announced that, because of changed circumstances, it has asked the Federal District Court for the District of Hawaii to dismiss the FTC’s complaint seeking an...

Aloha Petroleum, Ltd., et al.

The Commission authorized staff, in conjunction with the Hawaii Attorney General, to seek a preliminary injunction to block Aloha Petroleum’s proposed acquisition of Trustreet Properties. Aloha sought to acquire Trustreet’s half interest in the Barber Point petroleum importing terminal, when Aloha already owned the other half interest. The proposed acquisition would have reduced the number of marketers with ownership or access to a refinery or importing terminal from five to four, and the number of suppliers selling to unintegrated retailers from three to two. After Aloha subsequently announced a long-term agreement with a third party, Mid-Pac Petroleum that would enable Mid-Pac to replace Trustreet as a bulk gasoline supplier, the Commission sought to dismiss its federal court complaint on the ground of changed circumstances.
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FTC Matter/File Number

Chevron Corporation and Unocal Corporation, In the Matter of

Under the terms of the consent orders Chevron and Unocal will cease enforcing Unocal’s patents covering reformulated gasoline that complies with California Air resources Board Standard, will not undertake any new enforcement efforts related to the particular patents, and will cease all attempts to collect damages, royalties, or other payments related to the use of any of the patents. In addition, the companies will dismiss all pending legal actions related to alleged infringement of the patents. According to the complaint, the acquisition of the Unocal patents by Chevron would have facilitated coordinated interaction among downstream refiners and marketers of CARB gasoline.

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FTC Matter/File Number
051 0125

Union Oil Company of California, In the Matter of

An administrative law judge dismissed a complaint in its entirety against Union Oil of California that charged the company with committing fraud in connection with regulatory proceedings before the California Air Resources Board regarding the development of reformulated gasoline. The judge ruled much of Unocal’s conduct was permissible activity under the Noerr-Pennington doctrine and that the resolution of the issues outlined in the complaint would require an in depth analysis of patent law which he believed were not with the jurisdiction of the Commission. In July 2004, the Commission reversed the judge’s ruling and reinstated charges that Unocal illegally acquired monopoly power in the technology market for producing a “summer-time” low-emissions gasoline mandated for sale and use by the CARB for use in the state for up to eight months of the year. While the case was pending before the administrative law judge, Unocal agreed to settle the claims and cease and desist enforcing Unocal’s patents covering reformulated gasoline that complies with California Air resources Board Standard, will not undertake any new enforcement efforts related to the particular patents, and will cease all attempts to collect damages, royalties, or other payments related to the use of any of the patents.  The settlement in this case was related to the settlement of FTC charges that Chevron's acquisition of Unocal would substantially lessen competition in the refining and marketing of CARB reformulated gasoline, as Chevron would acquire the relevant Unocal patents through the acquisition and would be able to use its position to coordinate with its downstream competitors, to the detriment of consumers.  See In the Matter of Chevron Corporation and Unocal Corporation.

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Announced Action for July 15, 2005

Petition for Commission approval of proposed divestitures: The Commission has received a petition seeking the approval of three proposed divestitures required under the FTC’s order regarding Valero L...