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Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. and IVAX Corporation, In the Matter of

The consent order allowed Teva to acquire IVAX Corporation, provided the companies sell the rights and assets needed to manufacture and market 15 generic pharmaceutical products. Among the drugs sold were several forms of generic amoxicillin and amoxicillin clavulanate potassium that are widely used in the United States.

Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number
051 0214
Docket Number

Announced Action for January 27, 2006

Commission authorization of the filing of staff comment: The Commission has authorized the staffs of the Office of Policy Planning, Bureau of Consumer Protection, and Bureau of Economics to file a...

Announced Action for November 18, 2005

Commission approval of final consent order: Following a public comment period, the Commission has approved the issuance of a final consent order in the matter concerning DaVita, Inc. and Gambro AB...

Partners Health Network, Inc., In the Matter of

A physician-hospital organization operating in northwestern South Carolina, agreed to settle charges that it orchestrated and carried out agreements among its physician members to set the prices they would accept from health plans, and to refuse to deal with health plans that did not agree to its collectively determined prices. The consent order settling the FTC’s charges prohibits the PHO from collectively negotiating with health plans on behalf of its physicians and from setting terms of dealing with purchasers.
Type of Action
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FTC Matter/File Number

Novartis AG, In the Matter of (Eon Labs, Inc)

To resolve competitive concerns for three generic pharmaceuticals that arose from Novartis AG’s acquisition of Eon Labs, Inc., Novartis agreed to divest all the assets necessary to manufacture and market generic desipramine hydrochloride tablets, orphenadrine citrate extended release (ER) tablets, and rifampin oral capsules in the United States to Amide within 10 days of Novartis’s acquisition of Eon. Further, Novartis, through its Sandoz generic pharmaceuticals division, will supply Amide with orphenadrine citrate ER and desipramide hydrochloride tablets until Amide obtains FDA approval to manufacture the products itself, and will assist Amide in obtaining all necessary FDA approvals.

Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number
051 0106

Announced Action for September 20, 2005

Commission approval of petition to reopen and modify order: The Commission has approved a petition to reopen and modify a final order in the matter concerning White Sands Health Care System, L.L.C...

White Sands Health Care System, L.L.C.; et al., In the Matter of

A consent order settled charges that the White Sands Health Care System refused to deal with health care insurers that resisted the collectively negotiated prices set by its member physicians and nurse anesthetists. The complaint alleged that these practices increased costs for health care for consumers in the Alamogordo, New Mexico area. White Sands, a physician-hospital organization, consists of Alamogordo Physicians, an independent practice association; Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center, and 31 nonphysician health care providers, including all five nurse anesthetists in the area.
Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number

Announced Action for August 19, 2005

Commission approval of proposed divestiture: The Commission approved an application for proposed divestiture by Cemex, S.A. de C.V. (Cemex) related to its recent acquisition of RMC Group PLC (RMC)...