Displaying 1061 - 1080 of 1293
Boston Scientific Corporation and Guidant Corporation, In the Matter of
The consent order settles charges that the $27 billion acquisition of Guidant Corporation by Boston Scientific Corporation would harm competition and consumers in several significant medical device markets. Guidant Corporation by Boston Scientific Corporation are the largest market shareholders in several coronary medical device markets in the U.S., together accounting for 90% of the U.S. PTCA balloon catheter market and 85% of the U.S. coronary guidewire market.
Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On Generic Drug Entry
FTC Testifies on Barriers to the Entry of Generic Drugs
Commission Approves Motion to Reopen and Set Aside Part of Liberty Media Final Order; FTC Approves Issuance of Ceiling Fan Labeling Rule Federal Register Notice
Time Warner, Inc.; Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.; Tele-Communications, Inc.; and Liberty Media Corporation
Final consent order requiring the restructuring of the acquisition of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. settles antitrust concerns that the acquisition would restrict competition in cable television programming and distribution. The order requires Tele-Communications, Inc., the nation's number one cable operator, to divest its interests in Turner; reduces contractual agreements between TCI, Turner and Time Warner to carry certain programming; reduces opportunities for bundling programming; prohibits price discrimination against competing cable systems; and requires Time Warner's cable systems to carry a rival news channel to compete with CNN.
Prepared Statement on FTC Jurisdiction Over Broadband Internet Access Services
FTC Testifies on Broadband Internet Access Services
Commission Files Comments with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on Proposed Rules Governing Continuation Practice
Exclusion Payments to Settle Pharmaceutical Patent Cases: They're B-a-a-a-ck!
Liberty Media Files Motion to Reopen and Set Aside FTC Final Order; FTC Seeks Public Comment on Food Industry Marketing Practices
FTCs Competition Bureau Closes Investigation into Comcast, Time Warner Cable and Adelphia Communications Transactions
In re Tamoxifen Citrate Antitrust Litigation
FTC Shuts Down Spyware Operation
FTC Warns Web Sites Peddling Hormone Replacement Therapy Alternatives to Review Their Claims
FTC Staff Testimony Before the Antitrust Modernization Commission Concerning Patent Law Reform
Displaying 1061 - 1080 of 1293