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801.1(b); 801.11(e); 802.2(h)
Patrick Sharpe
None. (Letter follows up 9605007)



May 23, 1996

Mr. Patrick Sharpe
Compliance Specialist
Pre-Merger Notification Office
Room H-303
Federal Trade Commission
Sixth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20580

Re: Confirmation Regarding Non-Reportability of Proposed Transaction

Dear Mr. Sharpe:

Thank you for your call this afternoon confirming that no acquisition involved the transaction described in my letter to you dated May 21, 1996 would be reportable under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended.

Specifically, you confirmed that neither the LLC formation transaction nor the LLCs subsequent acquisition of the (redacted) would be reportable. I understand that the letter will be placed in the files of the Premerger Notification Office.

We appreciate the prompt response you provided in the matter.



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