The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
20030344: Odyssey Investment Partners Fund, LP; TransTechnology Corporation
20030348: Techtronic Industries Co., Ltd.; Royal Appliance Mfg. Co.
20030368: Qwest Communications International Inc.; Qwest Communications International Inc.
20030376: Valero L.P.; Valero Energy Corporation
20030369: Energizer Holdings, Inc.; Pfizer Inc.
20030363: Fidelity National Financial, Inc.; ALLTEL Corporation
20030362: ALLTEL Corporation; Fidelity National Financial, Inc.
20030347: The Bank of New York Company, Inc.; Credit Suisse Group
20030326: Hertal Acquisition plc; Riverdeep Group plc
20030305: Sunrise Assisted Living, Inc.; Marriott International, Inc.
20030379: Canadian Oil Sands Trust; EnCana Corporation
Bayer AG, and Aventis S.A, In the Matter of
A consent order permits Bayer to purchase Aventis CropScience Holdings S.A. from Aventis S.A. The order requires Bayer to divest businesses and assets in the following four major markets: new generation chemical insecticide products: new- generation chemical insecticide active ingredients; post-emergent grass herbicides for spring wheat; and cool weather cotton defoliants. According to the complaint, the transaction as proposed would result in the elimination of both actual and competition in the four markets; increase barriers to entry; reduce innovation competition for certain products; and increase the possibility of coordinated interaction between competitors.