The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
20201062: Molina Healthcare, Inc.; Magellan Health, Inc.
20201069: KKR Rainbow Aggregator L.P.; Agnaten SE
20201071: Aurora Equity Partners V, L.P.; FMG TopCo, LLC
Warning Letter to Loudoun Holistic Health Partners
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Extension (Funeral Rule)
20200974: Robert Faith; Bruce C. Ward
Quantum Wellness Botanical Institute, LLC
In January 2020, the sellers of a pill called ReJuvenation settled FTC charges that they deceptively claimed that their product is a virtual cure-all for age-related ailments—including cell damage, heart attack damage, brain damage, blindness, and deafness. The orders settling the FTC’s complaint prohibit the defendants from making such claims unless they are true and supported by scientific evidence. The orders also require payment of $660,000, which the Commission may use to provide refunds to defrauded consumers. In June 2020, the FTC announced it was sending checks totaling more than $149,000 to consumers who bought the product.
Qualpay, Inc.
A payment processor that allegedly ignored clear warning signs its client was operating an unlawful business coaching and investment scheme will be barred from processing payments in the business coaching field under a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission.
According to the FTC’s complaint against California-based QualPay, the company for years processed payments for MOBE, a scheme the FTC alleged charged consumers hundreds of millions of dollars for worthless business coaching products, and that Qualpay ignored numerous signs that MOBE was a fraudulent business.