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Competition Matters

A Fiscal Year Like No Other

With the conclusion of FY2020, we look back on a year unlike any other in the history of the Bureau of Competition. The year has been marked by a combination of exceptional commitment from the Bureau...
Competition Matters

Seeing the whole picture on avoidance devices

Under the Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Act and Rules, parties cannot use a transaction structure for the purpose of avoiding or delaying their premerger filing obligation. If they do, the Commission must...
Competition Matters

Real deadlines and real consequences

Recently, Alimentation Couche-Tard and CrossAmerica Partners (collectively ACT) agreed to pay a $3.5 million civil penalty to settle allegations that they violated a Commission divestiture order that...
Competition Matters

Eyes Wide Open: There are no blinders in merger reviews

The FTC's Bureau of Competition sometimes reviews proposed mergers against the backdrop of civil and criminal antitrust investigations or litigations leveled in the same industry. And at times, such...
Competition Matters

Real-Time Transparency for HSR Transaction Numbers

In response to increased interest in levels of M&A activity, the Bureau of Competition’s Premerger Notification Office (PNO) is responding in real-time by posting monthly figures for Hart-Scott-Rodino...
Competition Matters

A Busy Six Months

As we head into the second half of 2020, it’s a good time to pause and take stock of the past six months of work in the Bureau of Competition. Despite the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic...
Competition Matters

On “Failing” Firms — and Miraculous Recoveries

Over the past few years, the Bureau has faced a surprising number of failing firm claims by merging parties. Even when the economy was booming, we heard many iterations of the same argument: The...
Competition Matters

HSR Filing Fees – Reminders and Tips

The PNO handles Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) premerger notification filings for thousands of transactions each year. Filing fees are also required as part of the HSR premerger notification process. Failure...
Competition Matters

Yes, we’re hiring another AD!

I want to thank Mike Moiseyev for his dedication and commitment to the Bureau of Competition. Mike has led the Mergers I Division for the past 16-and-a-half years, becoming Assistant Director in 2003...
Competition Matters

We’re hiring a new AD!

I want to thank Kevin Hahm for his work in the Bureau of Competition and, most importantly, for his contribution to our competition enforcement. Kevin, most recently, the Assistant Director for the...
Competition Matters

Resuming early termination of HSR reviews

On Friday, March 13, as part of the Bureau’s response to the COVID-19 coronavirus situation , and in partnership with the Antitrust Division of DOJ , we announced that the Bureau’s Premerger...
Competition Matters

HSR threshold adjustments and reportability for 2020

When Congress passed the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, it created minimum dollar thresholds to limit the burden of premerger reporting. In 2000, it amended the HSR statute to...
Competition Matters

The closest competitor is not the only competitor

More and more, merging parties argue that their merger does not raise competition concerns because they are not each other’s closest competitors. Parties have advanced this argument even in markets...
Competition Matters

Avoidance devices won’t avoid HSR penalties

The Commission and Department of Justice’s recent case against Canon Inc. and Toshiba Corporation for violating the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act makes an important point: restructuring...
Competition Matters

Just because it’s ancillary doesn’t make it legal

In The Wizard of Oz , Dorothy was told to ignore the man behind the curtain. Some may argue that the same guidance applies to ancillary parts of a merger or joint venture agreement. These can include...
Competition Matters

Interlocking Mindfulness

The wellness strategy of the moment is mindfulness: focusing on the present and being completely aware of your situation. Even in the corporate sphere, there are good reasons for anyone in governance...
Competition Matters

Unpacking Divestiture Packages

Crafting effective merger remedies is one of the Commission’s most important tasks. Done well, a divestiture prevents the competitive harm likely to result from a proposed merger and ensures that...
Competition Matters

The uphill case for a post-Order divestiture

Designing effective merger remedy orders is one of the Commission’s most important tasks. An effective merger remedy prevents the merger from causing harm. For many years – ever since our 1999...