We regularly host workshops, webinars, social media chats, conferences, and other events on topics related to our mission to protect consumers and promote competition. Examples include our annual PrivacyCon and Microeconomics conferences and workshops on vertical mergers, voice cloning, and identity theft. Find information on past and future FTC events and speaking engagements involving FTC officials.
Displaying 461 - 480 of 1663
Commissioner Christine S. Wilson will participate as a panelist at the 2021 ABA Antitrust Law Spring Meeting. The event is virtual and open to the public and media. Register and join via: https://web...
Commission Meeting Closed to the Public: Consideration of a nonpublic law enforcement matter, 12:30 PM EDT via Zoom. The vote to close the meeting for the law enforcement matter was 4-0. Expected to...
Commissioners Noah J. Phillips and Christine S. Wilson will participate in a fireside chat at the Free State Foundation’s Thirteenth AnnualTelecom Policy Conference. The event is open to the public...
Acting Chairwoman Slaughter and Commissioner Phillips testify before the House Judiciary committee on March 18, 2021. Reviving Competition, Part 3: Strengthening the Laws to Address Monopoly Power...
The FTC will host a conference call for media at 11:30 ET with Acting Chairwoman Rebecca Kelly Slaughter. The call-in number is 844-291-6360 and the access code is 4928954. Call-in lines, which are...
Commissioner Noah J. Phillips will participate in a panel discussion titled Dynamic Antitrust Discussion Series: “Biden Antitrust”. Register and join via the following link: https://itif.org/events...
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on people in every community. To better understand the challenges that communities across the Southwest Region are facing as a result of the pandemic, the...
Commissioner Noah J. Phillips will participate in a fireside chat with Grover Norquist: Launch of the Open Competition Center at Americans for Tax Return. Please register and join via the following...
Commissioner Christine S. Wilson will speak at the University of California, Berkeley, M&A Conference. The event is virtual and open to the public and media. Join via: https://www.theberkeleyforum.com...
Join us for a Facebook Live with our colleagues from the Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) Office of the Inspector General. We’ll talk about how to spot and avoid SSA scams. Please join us LIVE...
Join at 3pm EST for our chat in English with @FTC, @USAGov, @SocialSecurity. Use the hashtag #SlamTheScamChat and #NCPW2021 to follow the conversation.
Join the FTC, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and AARP’s Fraud Watch Network for a webinar on Cyber Scams & Older Adults. We’ll focus on avoiding online scams, including phishing...
Join at 1pm EST for our chat in Spanish with @laFTC, @USAGovEspanol and @SeguroSocial. Use the hashtag #OjoConLasEstafas and #NCPW2021 to follow the conversation.
Acting Chairwoman Rebecca Kelly Slaughter will participate as a panelist at the 20th International Conference on Competition: Regulate them or break them up? – The Role of Competition Policy towards...
FTC will join the Better Business Bureau Serving Acadiana to discuss consumer frauds affecting consumers in Louisiana. You may register for this free program here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e...
Join us for a Facebook Live with AARP’s Fraud Watch Network on how to spot and avoid Coronavirus scams. Please join us LIVE and ask questions!
Commission Meeting Closed to the Public: Consideration of nonpublic law enforcement matters 11:30 AM EDT via Zoom. The vote to close the meeting for the law enforcement matters was 4-0. Expected to...
Acting Chairwoman Rebecca Kelly Slaughter will participate as a panelist at the OECD Competition Open Day Keynote Panel: Competition Policy in the Economic Recovery. The event is virtual and is open...
Commissioner Christine S. Wilson will participate in a keynote panel at the Silicon Flatirons, University of Colorado flagship conference. The event is virtual and is open to the public and media...
Acting Chair Rebecca Kelly Slaughter will provide keynote address at the Future of Privacy Forum: 11th Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers. To register use the following link: https://fpf.org...
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