The Federal Trade Commission has announced the final agenda for its upcoming workshop examining issues raised by the proliferation of internet peer-to-peer business platforms, often referred to as the sharing economy.
The event will examine how these new business platforms may affect competition and consumers and explore how effectively existing regulatory frameworks can respond to new sharing economy business models while maintaining appropriate consumer protections.
The daylong event will feature opening remarks by FTC Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen and an address by Commissioner Catherine J.K. Sandoval of the California Public Utilities Commission. Panels will explore sharing economy platforms, mechanisms for trust in the sharing economy, and various perspectives on the interplay between competition, consumer protection, and regulatory issues. Panelists and speakers will include academics from a number of leading universities, representatives from sharing economy businesses including Uber and Airbnb and self-regulation organizations, and former and current state and local government officials.
The workshop will take place in the FTC’s Constitution Center offices in the A, B, and C conference rooms located at 400 7th Street, SW, in Washington, D.C. The workshop is free and open to the public. Doors will open at 8:00 a.m.
Full details are available on the workshop’s webpage. The workshop will be webcast live on the FTC’s website. Advance registration is not required, but is strongly encouraged.
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Jay Mayfield
Office of Public Affairs
Bill Adkinson
Office of Policy Planning
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Office of Policy and Coordination