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Announced Action(s) for June 13, 1997

The Federal Trade Commission today announced the following action. Commission action regarding applications for approval: Following a public comment period, the Commission has ruled on an application...

FTC To Extend Comment Period on Rule 703

The Federal Trade Commission has extended until August 1, 1997, the public comment period on whether to modify, rescind or retain Rule 703, which sets out its requirements governing informal dispute...

Announced Actions for June 6, 1997

Commission action regarding applications for approval: Following a public comment period, the Commission has approved an application for approval of a divestiture from Mahle GMBH, of Stuttgart...

FTC Privacy Week -- June 10-13

Consumer privacy issues will be the focus of a Federal Trade Commission public workshop beginning June 10. Workshop participants will examine issues affecting privacy, including the online collection...

Announced Action(s) for May 30, 1997

The Federal Trade Commission today announced the following actions. Commission action regarding applications for approval: Following a public comment period, the Commission has ruled on an application...

FTC Seeks Discussion on Franchise Rule

The Federal Trade Commission will host 6 public workshops in 5 cities across the country to encourage public participation in the rulemaking proceeding on the rule that requires franchise sellers to...