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Announced Actions for October 1, 1996

Commission action regarding petitions to reopen and modify FTC orders: Following a comment period, the FTC has ruled on a petition from the following: The FTC has granted in part the petition of...

Announced Actions for September 27, 1996

The Federal Trade Commission today announced the following actions. The FTC staff contact is Roberta Baruch, 202-326-2861. Applications for prior approval of transactions: The FTC has received an...

Announced Actions for September 20, 1996

Consent agreements given final approval: Following a public comment period, the Commission has made final consent agreements with the following entities. The Commission action makes the orders binding...

Announced Action for September 18, 1996

The Federal Trade Commission today announced the following actions. The FTC staff contact is Dan Ducore, 202-326-2526. Application for prior approval of transaction: The FTC has received an...