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Displaying 10541 - 10560 of 10765

Southeast Necessities Company, Inc.

A Federal Trade Commission settlement in a business opportunity fraud case will net approximately $360,000 for the consumers who invested thousands of dollars each to own display racks featuring "Dr...

Hoechst AG

The Federal Trade Commission has secured an agreement from Hoechst AG to maintain competition for four drugs, including a hypertension and cardiac drug -- a once-a-day dosage of diltiazem, one of the...

The Scotts Company

The Federal Trade Commission has given final approval to a consent agreement with The Scotts Company, settling charges that its acquisition of Sternþs Miracle-Gro Products, Inc. would substantially...

Pendleton Woolen Mills, Inc.

Pendleton Woolen Mills, Inc. has petitioned the Federal Trade Commission to modify a 1979 settlement order to allow the company to exert unilateral control over how its products are marketed and sold...

Giant Food, Inc.

The Federal Trade Commission has set aside a 1964 order against Giant Food, Inc. because the order is more than 20 years old. The order prohibited Giant from inducing its suppliers to offer, or...

Olin Corporation

The Federal Trade Commission has approved Olin Corporation's plan to divest its 50 percent interest in Chlor-Chem Ltd., a joint venture located in the United Kingdom, to Schering Agrochemicals...

Genetus Alexandria, Inc.

An Alexandria, Virginia-based clinic and its operators have agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that they made false and misleading advertising and marketing claims in connection with...

Sheldon C. Wagner

Sheldon C. Wagner, who held financial management positions in several corporate entities sued by the Federal Trade Commission over an allegedly deceptive scheme to sell vending machine business...

Jerry's Ford Sales, Inc.

The Federal Trade Commission has given final approval to a consent agreement with Jerry C. Cohen and the three northern Virginia automobile dealerships of which he is president and CEO -- Jerry's Ford...

International Computer Concepts, Inc.

Helen Schumaker, a defendant in a Federal Trade Commission suit against International Computer Concepts, Inc.(ICCI), a Twinsburg, Ohio franchisor of computer software display-rack businesses, has...