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Displaying 1521 - 1540 of 1870

International Antritrust: An FTC Perspective

The Fordham Corporate Law Institute 22nd Annual Conference on International Antitrust Law & Policy, Fordham University Law School
New York, N.Y.
Robert Pitofsky, Former Chairman

The views expressed are those of the Chairman and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Trade Commission or any other Commissioner.

I will begin with a "report from Washington" on

FTC Franchise Rule Review

The American Bar Association, 1995 Forum on Franchising
Orlando, Florida
Christine A. Varney, Former Commissioner

The views expressed are those of the Commissioner and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Trade Commission or any other Commissioner or staff.

Thank you for inviting me to speak to you

Antitrust and Technology: What's on the Horizon?

The American Society of Association Executives Legal Symposium
Washington, D.C.
Christine A. Varney, Former Commissioner

It's a pleasure to be here this morning. Today, I'd like to talk with you about antitrust in Cyberspace.

More than twenty-five years ago, DOD's Advanced Research Projects Agency undertook development

International Aspects of Antitrust Enforcement

Antitrust 1996 A Conference Presented by Business Develpment Associates, Inc.
Washington, D.C.
Roscoe B. Starek, III, Former Commissioner



I appreciate very much the opportunity to help give you an "Update on the International Antitrust Climate." I could talk all afternoon on this topic, so I will concentrate on

The Sunshine Act: Administrative Conference Of The United States

Special Committee To Review The Government In The Sunshine Act
Washington, D.C.
Stephen Calkins, Former General Counsel

I am pleased to appear today before the Special Committee to Review the Government in the Sunshine Act, to discuss the Federal Trade Commission's experience under this statute and to suggest some

Cooperation Between Enforcement Agencies: Building Upon the Past

The APEC Committee on Trade and Investment, Conference on Competition Policy and Law
Auckland, New Zealand
Christine A. Varney, Former Commissioner

I am pleased to be here in Auckland to participate in this APEC Meeting on Trade and Competition, and I appreciate very much the opportunity to speak to you on the subject of cooperation in

Vertical Merger Enforcement Challenges at the FTC

The 36th Annual Antitrust Institute
San Francisco, California
Christine A. Varney, Former Commissioner

Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission. The views expressed are those of the Commissioner and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Trade Commission or any other Commissioner or staff.


The Crucial Role of Competition Law and Policy in the New Europe

The International Bar Association 5th Eastern Europe Regional Conference
Brussels, Belgium
Janet D. Steiger, Former Chairman

The views expressed herein are those of Commissioner Janet D. Steiger and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission or any other individual Commissioner.

I. Introduction

Let me begin by

Ensuring Competition in the Food Marketing Industry

The Food Marketing Institute
Seattle, Washington
Christine A. Varney, Former Commissioner

The views expressed in these remarks are my own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal Trade Commission or any other individual Commissioner.

I want to thank you for giving me the