FTC staff and commissioners deliver speeches and publish articles detailing aspects of the FTC’s international competition mission. We address international competition policy, work with international organizations, like the ICN, and technical assistance.
- Maria Coppola, Reflection on the Dividends of Long-term Investments: Transatlantic Enforcement Cooperation, AmCham EU 40th Annual Competition Policy Conference, November 16, 2023
- Randolph Tritell and Elizabeth Kraus, The Federal Trade Commission's International Antitrust Program, April 2022
- Askin, Molly and Mwemba, Willard, The Role of Regional Competition Regimes in Supporting International Enforcement Cooperation, August 2021. Published as part of the Symposium on Markets, Competition and Regional Integration in the Global South - New Perspectives, co-hosted by Afronomicslaw, Chair of International Relations, Hochshüle fur Politik Technical University of Munich, Germany, and the Mandela Institute at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.
- Paul O’Brien, The ICN: Using 20 Years of Network Effects to Look to the Future, Antitrust Magazine Online, August 2021
- Russell Damtoft, The US FTC’s Antitrust Response to the COVID-19 Crisis, OECD-GVH Regional Center for Competition in Budapest Supplement to Competition Policy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, July 2020
- Maria Coppola, Elizabeth Kraus, Cynthia Lewis Lagdameo, Paul O'Brien, Randy Tritell, (Nearly) A Century with the ICN, Competition Policy International, ICN Column, May 2020
- Maria Coppola and Renato Nazzini, The European and U.S. Approaches to Antitrust and Tech: Setting the Record Straight – A Reply to Gregory J. Werden and Luke M. Froeb’s Antitrust and Tech: Europe and the United States Differ, and It Matters, Competition Policy International, May 2020
- Timothy T. Hughes, The Role of Competition Culture and Policies in The Federal Trade Commission’s Technical Assistance Mission, in Concurrences No.2-2020 - Antitrust and Developing and Emerging and Developing Economies
- Russell Damtoft, Paul O’Brien, Attorney-Client Privilege in Competition Law Proceedings: Primed for Convergence? An Example from Mexico, Competition Policy International, Latin America Column, December 2019
- Randolph Tritell and Elizabeth Kraus, The Federal Trade Commission’s International Antitrust Program, October 2019
- Randolph Tritell, Where in the World? Understanding the Web of Global Antitrust, ABA Antitrust Law Section podcast, September 2019
- Paul O’Brien, ICN’s Framework for Competition Agency Procedures, Part 2: What does the CAP mean for the ICN tomorrow?, Competition Policy International, ICN Column, May 2019
- Paul O’Brien, ICN’s Framework for Competition Agency Procedures, Part 1: What does the CAP mean for the ICN today?, Competition Policy International, ICN Column, April 2019
- Andrew J. Heimert, Privacy Policies and Competition Law, Asian Competition Forum, Hong Kong SAR, December 11, 2018
- Cynthia Lagdameo, ICN Unilateral Conduct Workshop: Stellenbosch, South Africa, Competition Policy International, December 2018
- Paul O’Brien, Procedural Fairness: Convergence in Process, Competition Policy International Antitrust Chronicle, November 2018
- Elizabeth Kraus, Interview for Global Merger Control Conference, Non-Horizontal Mergers: Recent issues raised by vertical and conglomerate mergers, November 2018
- Commissioner Maureen K. Ohlhausen, The Defense of Competition and Consumers in a Changing World: Reflections on a Decade of Competition Enforcement in China, Remarks before the 7th Competition Policy Forum, Competition Law Center, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China, July 31, 2018
- Andrew J. Heimert, Look Back, Look Forward: China’s Antimonopoly Law Enforcement, California Lawyers Association Teleconference, July 25, 2018
- Kristina Mulligan, ICN Training on Demand: the world’s competition law experts are just a click away, Competition Policy International, June 2018
Older speeches and articles
- Acting Chairman Maureen K. Ohlhausen, Guidelines for Global Antitrust: The Three Cs – Cooperation, Comity, and Constraints, International Bar Association, 21st Annual Competition Conference, Florence, Italy, September 8, 2017
- Andrew J. Heimert, Cooperation, Comity, and Foreign Conduct, 6th China Competition Policy Forum, Shanghai, China, August 30-31, 2017
- Randolph Tritell, Meeting the Challenges of the Evolving International Antitrust Landscape, George Mason Legal Review, October 2015
- Paul O’Brien, Krisztian Katona, and Randolph Tritell, Procedural Fairness in Competition Investigations: U.S. FTC Practice and Recent Guidance from the International Competition Network, CPI Antitrust Chronicle, July 2015
- Timothy T. Hughes, Russell W. Damtoft, and Randolph W. Tritell, International Competition Technical Assistance: The Federal Trade Commission’s Experience and Challenges for the Future, in Antitrust in Emerging and Developing Countries 2015 Edition
- Molly Askin and Randolph Tritell, International Antitrust Cooperation: Expanding the Circle, prepared for the Antitrust in Emerging and Developing Countries Conference organized by Concurrences Journal and NYU School of Law, New York, 24 October 2014.
- Dina Kallay and Marc Winerman, First in the World: The FTC International Program at 100, Antitrust, Fall 2014
- Maria Coppola, One Network’s Effect: The Rise and Future of the ICN, Concurrence, N° 3-2011, n°37134, pp. 222-229 (2011)
- Maria Coppola and Cynthia Lagdameo, Stock and Taking Root: a closer look at implementation of the ICN Recommended Practices for Merger Notification and Review Procedures, The International Competition Network At Ten, Paul Lugard (ed.), Taking Intersentia Ltd. (2011)
- Russell W. Damtoft, The Relationship Between Competition Policy and Industrial Policy: The Historical Experience of the United States, UNCTAD Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Competition Law and Policy, Geneva, Switzerland, July 7, 2009
- Russell W. Damtoft, Bureau of Competition, Lessons Learned in the Delivery of Technical Assistance: The United States Experience, International Competition Network Second Annual Conference , Merida, Mexico, June 23, 2003