Displaying 61 - 80 of 164
Working Together to Protect Midwest Consumers: A Common Ground Conference
Online Marketers Barred from Deceptive “Free Trial” Offers, Unauthorized Billing
Disabled Police and Sheriffs Foundation, Inc.
The operators of two purported sham charities have agreed to settle charges by the FTC and the AGs of Missouri and Florida that they deceived donors with false claims that their organizations helped disabled police officers and military veterans. The operators of both schemes are permanently banned from charitable solicitations or otherwise working for charities.
At FTC’s Request, Court Permanently Stops A-1 Janitorial Office Supply Scam
FTC to Send Refund Checks to Consumers who Lost Money to Tech Support Scam
Troth Solutions
The operators of a tech support scam that did business under Troth Solutions and other names settled Federal Trade Commission charges that they tricked consumers into believing their computers were infected with viruses and malware, and then charged them hundreds of dollars for unnecessary repairs.
FTC Obtains Court Order Barring U.S. and Canadian Scammers from Marketing, Selling Internet-related Services and Misrepresenting Their Relationship with Consumers
Webinar: Fighting Consumer Fraud and Identity Theft in South Dakota
MoneyGram Agrees to Pay $125 Million to Settle Allegations that the Company Violated the FTC’s 2009 Order and Breached a 2012 DOJ Deferred Prosecution Agreement
FTC Halts Purveyors of Sham Health Insurance Plans
FTC Team Honored with Service to America Medal
FTC Celebrates 100th Anniversary of its Regional Offices
Fighting Consumer Fraud and Identity Theft in Wisconsin
Fighting Consumer Fraud and Identity Theft in North Dakota
FTC, Partners Conduct First Compliance Sweep under Newly Amended Used Car Rule
FTC Wins $5.2 Million Judgment against Defendants Who Tricked Consumers with Ads for Non-existent Rental Properties and 'Free' Credit Reports
FTC Halts Online Marketers Responsible for Deceptive “Free Trial” Offers
Decrypting Cryptocurrency Scams
FTC to Host Workshop in Chicago on Cryptocurrency Scams
Displaying 61 - 80 of 164