Displaying 21 - 40 of 83
Ygrene Energy Fund Inc., FTC v.
The Federal Trade Commission and State of California are taking action against home improvement financing provider Ygrene Energy Fund Inc. for deceiving consumers about the potential financial impact of its financing, and for unfairly recording liens on consumers’ homes without their consent. The FTC and California allege that Ygrene and its contractors falsely told consumers that the financing wouldn’t interfere with the sale or refinancing of their homes, in many instances relying on high-pressure sales tactics or outright forgery to sign consumers up.
A proposed court order would require Ygrene to stop its deceptive practices and meaningfully oversee the contractors who have served as its salesforce. As part of the settlement, Ygrene will be required to dedicate $3 million to provide relief to certain consumers whose homes are subject to the company’s liens.
Federal Trade Commission, California Take Action To Shut Down Mortgage Relief Operation that Preyed on Struggling Homeowners
FTC Extends its Crackdown on Subscription Scam That Fleeced Consumers and Harassed Them Over the Phone
FTC Takes Action Against Frontier for Lying about Internet Speeds and Ripping Off Customers Who Paid High-Speed Prices for Slow Service
Frontier Communications Corporation
The FTC along with law enforcement agencies from six states, sued Frontier Communications alleging that the company did not provide many consumers with Internet service at the speeds it promised them, and charged many of them for more expensive and higher-speed service than Frontier actually provided.
FTC Enforcement Action Leads U.S. Dept. of Education to Forgive $71.7 Million in Loans for Students Deceived by DeVry University
FTC Sues Frontier Communications for Misrepresenting Internet Speeds
Operators of Student Loan Debt Relief Scheme Banned From Providing Debt Relief Services as Part of Settlement with FTC
FTC Sends More than $273,500 in Refunds to People Who Lost Money to Student Loan Debt Relief Scheme
Western Region (Arizona, Nevada, California) - Consumer Protection and Financial Impact Listening Session
FTC Sends More Than $6.5 Million to Consumers Harmed by Fashion Nova
Fashion Nova, Inc.
Online fashion retailer Fashion Nova will pay $9.3 million to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it didn’t properly notify consumers and give them the chance to cancel their orders when it failed to ship merchandise in a timely manner, and that it illegally used gift cards to compensate consumers for unshipped merchandise instead of providing refunds.
FTC Approves Final Administrative Consent Orders against Sellers of Deceptively Marketed CBD Products
FTC Announces Crackdown on Deceptively Marketed CBD Products
As Scammers Leverage Pandemic Fears, FTC and Law Enforcement Partners Crack Down on Deceptive Income Schemes Nationwide
FTC Finalizes Privacy Shield Settlement with Ortho-Clinical
Fashion Nova Will Pay $9.3 Million for Consumer Refunds To Settle FTC Charges It Violated Rules On Shipping, Refunds
FTC Sends Report to Congress on Retailers’ Shipping Policies
Medical Diagnostic Device Maker Settles Allegations that it Misled Consumers about its Participation in the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield
Displaying 21 - 40 of 83