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AWS, LLC, et al. (FBA Stores)

The marketer of a scheme to make money on Amazon, and his companies, are banned from marketing and selling business opportunities and business coaching services under a settlement with the FTC. The settlement order against Jeffrey A. Gomez (aka Jeffrey Adams), Adams Consulting LLC, and Global Marketing Services L.L.C. also requires them to surrender funds and assets for consumer redress. In August 2020, the FTC returned more than $9.1 million to consumers defrauded through the scheme.

Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number
172 3149

Effen Ads, LLC (iCloudWorx)

The operators of a work-from-home scheme and the CEO of their main affiliate marketing network agreed to pay nearly $1.5 million to settle Federal Trade Commission allegations that they used misleading spam emails to lure consumers into buying work-from-home services. 

Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number
172 3202
Case Status