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Business Blog

FTC’s Comment on the future of privacy

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle
As the only federal agency with a dual mission to protect consumers and promote competition, the FTC is uniquely situated to comment on the future of privacy policymaking in the United States. So we
Business Blog

Cybersecurity for small business: Ransomware

Andrew Smith, Director, FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection
Mention the word “ransomware” at a meeting of small business owners and you’ll feel the temperature in the room drop by 20 degrees. A ransomware attack is a chilling prospect that could freeze you out
Business Blog

Planning a social media marketing campaign? Read this first.

Lesley Fair
It started as one of those “run it up the flagpole” ideas to enlist big-name gymnasts to promote a brand of mosquito repellent just as news stories about the 2016 Brazil Olympics were sounding
Business Blog

Cybersecurity for small business: Physical security

Andrew Smith, Director, FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection
An employee catches up on some work while visiting the local coffee shop. She grabs her Double Mocha to go, but accidentally leaves behind a flash drive with hundreds of Social Security numbers on it
Business Blog

Telegram to MoneyGram: Stop fraud. And pay up. Again.

Michael Atleson
If you run a business that offers people a way to send money to other people, you may want to pay attention to whether your service is catering to fraudsters. It’s an important message because, for
Business Blog

Do you have a 2012, 2013, or 2014 VW Passat TDI?

Lesley Fair
If you have a 2012, 2013, or 2014 Passat 2.0L TDI and got the approved emissions modification, Volkswagen has identified a potential problem with the “fix” it installed on your car that needs your
Business Blog

FTC and New York AG miffed by overbiffing

Lesley Fair
If you aren’t familiar with the word “overbiffing,” there’s no need to add it to your vocabulary. But if you know what overbiffing is and engage in it, a case just filed by the FTC and the New York
Business Blog

Cybersecurity for small business: Cybersecurity basics

Andrew Smith, Director, FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection
As a small business owner, you know that cyber criminals will steal data any place they can find it, whether it’s from a global giant or a Main Street store. So where can you find just-the-facts
Business Blog

PrivacyCon 2019: Mark your calendar

Lesley Fair
Take out your scheduler now and block out Thursday, June 27, 2019. That’s the date of the FTC’s fourth annual PrivacyCon and you’ll want to be in on the action. PrivacyCon brings together
Business Blog

Three films not on our Top 10 list

Lesley Fair
In the annals of film, Citizen Kane, The Godfather, and Casablanca are among our top picks. But don’t expect our list to include TBX-FREE, Eupepsia Thin, or Prolongz, dissolving strips of film the FTC
Business Blog

Happy 20th birthday, COPPA

Peder Magee
October 20, 2018, marked 20 years since Congress passed the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Many of the kids the law was originally designed to protect are now parents themselves. Looking
Business Blog

Stemming unproven stem cell therapy claims

Lesley Fair
Old West nostrum sellers used to market treatments for a broad range of diseases with the slogan “Good for what ails ya.” California-based Regenerative Medical Group used a current buzzword in science
Business Blog

Cybersecurity resources for your small business

Andrew Smith, Director, FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection
Small businesses are concerned about ransomware, email imposters, and other common cyber threats. So FTC staff hosted roundtables to ask business owners what we can do to help. You came from different