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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
5/9/95 - The writer confirmed that the Seller has not organized the mortgage rights being sold here into any sort of a division or divisional concept. I advised that the sale would be exempt from HSR...
5/3/95 - Called writer and advised that if the LLC presently operated as it was originally formed, then the PNO Office would view the control issue as one based upon holdings of voting stock (or right...
A consensual agreement between two UPEs to merge their companies based upon awritten agreement, letter of intent, etc., is a non-801.30 transaction for which both sidesmay file their premerger report...
Call (redacted) 4-24-95. We concur with this letter including notes in the margin. Since the acquiring person is a bonafide debt work out, Section 802.63 can apply to this transaction. PS RS VC TH