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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
Adequacy of predecessor company's unaudited financial statements to comply with required disclosure of the financial statements of a newly formed franchisor, and to provide substantiation for earnings...
The location of the accounts receivable is not the jurisdiction of the debtor but the physical location of the AR (Census approach). The minimum royalty payment is not sufficient to calculate value -...
A Filing is not required when a person holds 50% of an issuer's (redacted)voting stock and will acquire the other (redacted) 50% from (redacted) another sole person. Aggregation of the value of the...
3/31/95-Advised writer that assuming no 801.90 issue, the $1,000 price for the (redacted) 20% of the voting stock (which has no economic rights and 80% of which is held by one other person) appears to...
3/28/95-Called writer and advised that (illegible) REIT was acquiring person (and (illegible)) for both (illegible) REIT and its controlled partnership, the 7A(c)(1) exemption would apply and no HSR...
3/27/95-Called writer and, based on the facts in the 3/23/95 and 1/17/95 letters, advised that the size-of-transaction test not appeared to be met and, therefore, no HSR filing is required.