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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
3/8/95-Called writer and advised that the PMN Office agreed with the conclusion that the license (redacted) was an exclusive marketing or distribution grant and, since the grantor retained the right...
3/2/95 - Advised writer that since any contingent commitment to the LLC is not taken into account in valuing the voting stock coming back (see ABA letter #202), particularly in a case such as this...
Cut off top portion) ownership of subject assets has not been transferred to hospital, thus, hospital does not hold the assets. The Trust holds the assets (redacted) not the beneficing. Thus,...
Told acquisition that under the facts of this case, in which the performed holders more 27% of the outstanding voting securities, the pro (illegible) distribution to the holders of common stock is...