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Legal Library: Search
The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
2/13/95-Called the writer and told her that we regard the transfer of the hospital from A toNewco as part of the formation of a non-profit joint venture and thus exempt, rather than are portable...
2/7/95-Writer advises that loans to LLC are being made at about an 8.5% interest rate,which is a commercially reasonable rate. Advised that if note were below acommercially reasonablerate, the...
Advised requestor that the transaction will be treated as a formation of a joint venture non profit corporation and, as such, the transaction is not subject to HSR. Assuming such entities have voting...
Called (redacted) 2-8-95. He noted that the Board of Directors has done a FM Valuation and determined the value (including contingent payments) was below $15.0 mm. I informed (redacted) that he did...