Displaying 61 - 80 of 135
Verisk/EagleView, In the Matter of
The FTC challenged Verisk Analytics, Inc.’s proposed $650 million acquisition of EagleView Technology Corporation, alleging that it would likely reduce competition and result in a virtual monopoly in the U.S. market for rooftop aerial measurement products used by the insurance industry to assess property claims. The FTC issued an administrative complaint and authorized staff to seek a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction in federal court. On 12/16/14, Verisk Analytics, Inc. announced that it would abandon its plans to acquire EagleView, and the Commission dismissed the administrative complaint.
Fidelity National Financial, Inc., and Lender Processing Services, In the Matter of
Fidelity National Financial, Inc. agreed to settle charges that its proposed $2.9 billion acquisition of Lender Processing Services, Inc. (LPS) would likely substantially lessen competition by combining the firms’ title plant assets in several local markets in Oregon. To preserve competition, the proposed settlement requires Fidelity to sell a copy of LPS’s title plants in six Oregon counties and an ownership interest equivalent to LPS’s share of a jointly owned title plant in the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area.
FTC Puts Conditions on CoreLogic, Inc.’s Proposed Acquisition of DataQuick Information Systems
FTC’s ‘Net Cetera’ Advises Parents on How to Talk to Their Kids About Internet Use
FTC Puts Conditions on Fidelity National Financial’s Acquisition of Lender Processing Services
FTC Approves Final Order Settling Charges that Solera Holdings' 2012 Acquisition of Actual Systems Was Anticompetitive in the Market for Yard Management Systems
Solera Holdings, Inc.
The FTC charged that Solera's 2012 acquisition of Actual Systems likely would substantially lessen competition in the market for yard management systems, which was already highly concentrated. To address the FTC's competitive concerns, Solera must sell assets related to Actual Systems' YMS to ASA Holdings.
FTC Order Restores Competition in Market for Software Used in Automotive Recycling
New FTC Graphic Highlights Key Information About Mobile Apps for Kids
FTC Staff Report Recommends Ways to Improve Mobile Privacy Disclosures
Path Social Networking App Settles FTC Charges it Deceived Consumers and Improperly Collected Personal Information from Users' Mobile Address Books
FTC to Present Report on Mobile Privacy, Announce Enforcement Action
Displaying 61 - 80 of 135