The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
Statement of Commissioner Rohit Chopra Regarding Flaws in the FTC’s 2017 Study on Merger Remedies
Dissenting Statement of Commissioners Noah Joshua Phillips and Christine S. Wilson In the Matter of Resident Home LLC
Hylan Asset Management, LLC
The defendants behind a New York-based debt collection scheme will be permanently banned from the debt collection industry under a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission and the New York Attorney General, who alleged that the defendants bilked consumers out of millions of dollars by brokering and collecting on fake debts that people did not owe. In October, 2021 the FTC returned $772,512 to consumers who were targeted by the defendants.
2110004 Informal Interpretation
2110001 Informal Interpretation
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request (COPPA Rule)
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Extension (Alternative Fuels Rule)
Petition of Respondent DTE Energy Company To Reopen and Modify Decision and Order
Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Christine S. Wilson Regarding Notice of Amendments to the Energy Labeling Rule
MoviePass, Inc., In the Matter of
The operators of the MoviePass subscription service have agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission allegations they took steps to block subscribers from using the service as advertised, while also failing to secure subscribers’ personal data.The operators of the MoviePass subscription service have agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission allegations they took steps to block subscribers from using the service as advertised, while also failing to secure subscribers’ personal data.
16 CFR Part 1, Subpart S: Procedures for Submission of Rules under the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act
Avadim Health, Inc. (Theraworx Relief homeopathic products)
8 Figure Dream Lifestyle LLC
Announced in June 2019 as part of a crackdown on illegal robocalls against operations around the country responsible for more than one billion calls, thisFTC complaint against five corporate and four individual defendants<, alleges that since at least 2017 the defendants have used a combination of illegal telemarketing robocalls, live telephone calls, text messaging, internet ads, emails, social media, and live events to market and sell consumers fraudulent money-making opportunities. The complaint charges the defendants, who operate from California, Colorado, New York, and Tennessee, with violating the FTC Act, the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR), or both, by making deceptive earnings claims through robocalls and other marketing techniques. In September 2021, The Federal Trade Commission sent checks totaling more than $1 million to consumers who were harmed by the company.