The legal library gives you easy access to the FTC’s case information and other official legal, policy, and guidance documents.
Statement of Commissioner Rohit Chopra In the Matter of SpyFone
BlueHippo Funding, LLC, and BlueHippo Capital, LLC
The Federal Trade Commission alleged that BlueHippo Funding, LLC, and BlueHippo Capital, LLC operated a deceptive computer financing scheme in violation of a federal court order.
2108005 Informal Interpretation
2108002 Informal Interpretation
Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Christine S. Wilson
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Extension (Pay-Per-Call Rule)
2108007 Informal Interpretation
Online Trading Academy
Online Trading Academy is required to offer debt forgiveness to thousands of consumers who purchased its “training programs,” while the company’s founder and other individuals will together pay between $5 and $9.1 million and turn over assets under the terms of a settlement with the FTC.
The FTC brought a lawsuit alleging that OTA, led by Eyal Shachar, had deceived consumers for years with claims that purchasers of OTA’s investment training were likely to generate significant income. OTA claimed that anyone could learn to use its strategy, and filled its sales pitch with testimonials and hypothetical trades showing significant profits. In August 2021, the Commission announced it is returning more than $5.4 million to defrauded consumers.
FTC Staff Comment to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, in Docket No. R-1748, RIN 7100-AG15, Debit Card Interchange Fees and Routing
2108001 Informal Interpretation
Fleetcor Technologies
The Federal Trade Commission’s complaint against FleetCor, a company that sells fuel card services to businesses, alleges that it has charged customers at least hundreds of millions of dollars in hidden fees after making false promises about helping customers save on fuel costs. The case was filed in December 2019.