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We regularly host workshops, webinars, social media chats, conferences, and other events on topics related to our mission to protect consumers and promote competition. Examples include our annual PrivacyCon and Microeconomics conferences and workshops on vertical mergers, voice cloning, and identity theft. Find information on past and future FTC events and speaking engagements involving FTC officials.

Displaying 1501 - 1520 of 1618

FTC at 100: Into Our Second Century (Paris)

In six years, the Federal Trade Commission will mark the 100th anniversary of the statute that created the agency. How well is the FTC fulfilling the destiny that Congress foresaw for it in 1914? What...

FTC at 100: Into Our Second Century (Brussels)

In six years, the Federal Trade Commission will mark the 100th anniversary of the statute that created the agency. How well is the FTC fulfilling the destiny that Congress foresaw for it in 1914? What...

Section 5 of the FTC Act as a Competition Statute

The Event The Federal Trade Commission will hold a public workshop on October 17, 2008, in Washington, D.C., to explore the scope of the prohibition of “unfair methods of competition” in Section 5 of...

FTC at 100: Into Our Second Century (Boston)

In six years, the Federal Trade Commission will mark the 100th anniversary of the statute that created the agency. How well is the FTC fulfilling the destiny that Congress foresaw for it in 1914? What...

FTC at 100: Into Our Second Century (Tokyo)

In six years, the Federal Trade Commission will mark the 100th anniversary of the statute that created the agency. How well is the FTC fulfilling the destiny that Congress foresaw for it in 1914? What...

Consumer Protection and the Debt Settlement Industry

The Federal Trade Commission staff will hold a workshop on September 25, 2008 to explore the growth of the for-profit debt settlement industry and to analyze how its model is affecting consumers and...

FTC at 100: Into Our Second Century (Chicago)

In six years, the Federal Trade Commission will mark the 100th anniversary of the statute that created the agency. How well is the FTC fulfilling the destiny that Congress foresaw for it in 1914? What...

FTC at 100: Into Our Second Century (Ottawa)

In six years, the Federal Trade Commission will mark the 100th anniversary of the statute that created the agency. How well is the FTC fulfilling the destiny that Congress foresaw for it in 1914? What...

FTC at 100: Into Our Second Century (London)

In six years, the Federal Trade Commission will mark the 100th anniversary of the statute that created the agency. How well is the FTC fulfilling the destiny that Congress foresaw for it in 1914? What...

Pay On The Go: Consumers and Contactless Payment

The Federal Trade Commission and the Technology Law and Public Policy Clinic at the University of Washington will host a Town Hall meeting on July 24, 2008, to explore the growth of contactless...

Green Building & Textiles

The Federal Trade Commission is planning to host a public workshop on July 15, 2008, to examine developments in green building and textiles claims and consumer perception of such claims. This workshop...

Consumer Information & the Mortgage Market

Housing and mortgage market turmoil is affecting the financial security of countless hardworking Americans, and raising questions about the adequacy of consumer protection regulations in mortgage and...

Clinical Integration in Health Care: A Check-Up

The Federal Trade Commission plans to hold a one-day public workshop to examine developments in the health care sector relating to “clinical integration” among health care providers. Clinical...

Beyond Voice: Mapping the Mobile Marketplace

The Federal Trade Commission will host a Town Hall meeting on May 6-7, 2008, to explore the evolving mobile commerce (M-commerce) marketplace and its implications for consumer protection policy. This...

Green Packaging Claims

The Federal Trade Commission is planning to host a public workshop on April 30, 2008, to examine developments in green packaging claims and consumer perception of such claims. This workshop is one...

Innovations in Health Care Delivery

The Federal Trade Commission will host a one-day public workshop on April 24, 2008, to examine recent trends in health care delivery. In a series of panel discussions, workshop participants will...

Unilateral Effects Analysis and Litigation Workshop

The Federal Trade Commission is planning to host a public workshop on February 12, 2008 to examine the application of unilateral effects theory to mergers of firms that sell competing, but...