- How Settlements Make Strange Bedfellows: Or How the Federal Trade Commission has Managed to Unite the Entire Pharmaceutical Industry (but only in Opposition to the FTC's Position on Exclusion Payment Settlements) ( )
- Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On Health Care Competition ( )
- Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On Health Care Competition ( )
- Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On Generic Drug Entry ( )
- Exclusion Payments to Settle Pharmaceutical Patent Cases: They're B-a-a-a-ck! ( )
- Health Care: An Interview with Commissioner Thomas B. Leary ( )
- Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate ( )
- Health Care and the FTC: The Agency as Prosecutor and Policy Wonk ( )
- A "Check-Up" of Selected Health Care Activity at the Federal Trade Commission ( )
- The Federal Trade Commission: Fostering a Competitive Health Care Environment That Benefits Patients ( )
- Diagnosing Physician-Hospital Organizations ( )
- Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On Contact Lens Legislation ( )
- Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On Greater Access to Affordable Pharmaceuticals Act ( )
- Prepared Statement of Chairman Timothy J. Muris On Competition In the Pharmaceutical Industry ( )
- Special Challenges for Antitrust in Health Care ( )
- Everything Old is New Again: Health Care and Competition in the 21st Century ( )
- Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On Competition in the U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry ( )
- Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On Pharmaceutical Industry ( )
- The Antitrust Implications of "Clinical Integration:" An Analysis of FTC Staff's Advisory Opinion to MedSouth ( )
- Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On Competition in the Pharmaceutical Marketplace ( )
- Antitrust Issues in the Settlement of Pharmaceutical Patent Disputes, Part II ( )
- Antitrust Issues in Settlement of Pharmaceutical Patent Disputes ( )
- Riddles and Lessons from the Prescription Drug Wars: Antitrust Implications of Certain Types of Agreements Involving Intellectual Property ( )
- Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission Concerning H.R. 1304 the "Quality Health-Care Coalition Act of 1999" ( )
- Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On Quality Health-Care Coalition Act of 1998 ( )
- Health Care Mergers: Will We Get Efficiencies Claims Right? ( )
- Government Enforcement and Guidance in Health Care Antitrust: Maintaining the Balance ( )
- Separate Statement of Chairman Robert Pitofsky, and Commissioners Janet D. Steiger, Roscoe B. Starek, III, and Christine A. Varney in Ciba-Geigy, Ltd ( )
- Statement of Commissioner Mary L. Azcuenaga, Concurring in Part and Dissenting in Part, in Ciba-Geigy Limited ( )
- Thoughts on 'Leveling the Playing Field' in Health Care Markets ( )