- Thoughts on 'Leveling the Playing Field' in Health Care Markets ( )
- Beyond the Health Care Policy Statements: Where Do We Go from Here? ( )
- Current Issues in Health Care Antitrust Enforcement at the Federal Trade Commission ( )
- Antitrust Analysis of Hospital Networks and Shared Services Arrangements ( )
- Statements of Antitrust Enforcement Policy in Health Care ( )
- Reinventing Health Care Antitrust Enforcement ( )
- Testimony of the Federal Trade Commission Concerning H.R. 2925, and the Application of the Antitrust Laws to Health Care Provider Networks ( )
- Antitrust Issues in Integrated Health Care Delivery Systems ( )
- Antitrust, Medicare Reform and Health Care Competition ( )
- Health Care Antitrust Enforcement Issues ( )
- The Health Care and Antitrust Interface in an Era of Fundamental, Industry-Wide Realignments ( )
- The Dangers of Health Industry Consolidation and Corporation and the Effect on Quality, Cost and Access ( )
- New Directions at the FTC: Efficiency Justifications in Hospital Mergers and Vertical Integration Concerns ( )