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Reforming the Pre-Filing Process for Companies Considering Consolidation and a Change in the Treatment of Debt

Holly Vedova, Bureau of Competition
As the FTC continues to experience a massive surge in planned merger deals, we are looking at every step of the merger filing process to identify ways to streamline and maximize our efficiency. Under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act (“HSR” or the Act), companies are required to file notice of mergers over a certain size before they can close the deal. This is not an application process – it is for law enforcement purposes. The HSR Act does not require...

Letter from Acting Director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection Samuel Levine to Facebook

Samuel Levine
Today, Acting Director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection Samuel Levine sent the following letter to Mark Zuckerberg concerning Facebook’s misleading claims regarding the company’s consent decree with the FTC: Dear Mr. Zuckerberg: I write concerning Facebook’s recent insinuation that its actions against an academic research project conducted by NYU’s Ad Observatory were required by the company’s consent decree with the Federal Trade Commission...

Businesses: Phishing scheme targets unemployment benefits, PII

Seena Gressin
Have you or one of your employees received an alarming text message about unemployment insurance benefits from what seems to be your state workforce agency? You’re not alone. Identity thieves are targeting millions of people nationwide with scam phishing texts aimed at stealing personal information, unemployment benefits, or both. The phishing texts try to dupe the recipient to click a link to “make necessary corrections” to their unemployment...

Adjusting merger review to deal with the surge in merger filings

Holly Vedova, Bureau of Competition
Given the recent surge in merger filings, the FTC is reviewing its processes to determine how best to use its limited resources. The FTC reviews mergers per the Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Act, which requires that companies provide the FTC and Department of Justice with advance notice of certain transactions above a certain threshold. ( The current minimum size-of-transaction threshold is $92 million .) After the merging parties submit a filing with...

Get ready for PrivacyCon on July 27th

Lesley Fair
Set a reminder now for Tuesday, July 27, 2021, to make sure you’re up on the latest research about privacy and data security. That’s the date of the FTC’s sixth annual PrivacyCon and you’re invited to participate virtually. PrivacyCon 2021 brings together a broad range of tech voices to share their latest research on up-to-the-minute topics. Free and open to the public, the event will convene at 9:00 AM Eastern Time with remarks from Commissioner...

FTC gets back to the basics at June 24th Dallas workshop for businesses, attorneys

Lesley Fair
No one can top Waylon Jennings’ invitation to Luckenbach, Texas, where people can get “Back to the Basics of Love.” But we can offer the next best thing for business executives, advertising professionals, and attorneys: a virtual invitation to Dallas, Texas, on June 24, 2021, to get back to the basics of law. Register today for Green Lights & Red Flags: FTC Rules of the Road for Business, a workshop on truth-in-advertising standards, social media...

Back to business #4: Back-to-work basics for job seekers

Lesley Fair
We’ll leave it to the economists to crunch the employment numbers. We’re just happy to see more Help Wanted signs in the windows of Main Street retailers. That’s good news for Americans affected by pandemic-related layoffs. As companies are getting back to business and returning to an in-person workplace, the FTC has some tips for job seekers. Investigate job placement services before signing up. There are lots of reputable employment agencies...

Blessings in No Time: A blessing – or a pyramid scheme?

Lesley Fair
Call it a “blessing.” Call it a “loom.” In a case just filed in federal court, the FTC and the State of Arkansas use another phrase to describe what the operators of the Blessings in No Time investment program are up to. We call it a pyramid scheme. According to the complaint, the people behind Blessings in No Time use “blessing looms” to lure consumers in with false promises of returns as high as 800%. What’s more, the operators primarily target...

Back to business #3: Looking for small business financing?

Lesley Fair
It’s exciting to see so many “open” signs appearing in store windows across the country. But some companies making the transition to an in-person workplace may find themselves in a short-term cash flow crunch. Even before the pandemic, the FTC raised concerns about deceptive practices related to small business financing. With many companies working to regain their footing, the FTC has tips on protecting yourself when looking for financing...

Back to Business #2: Slamming the office door on B2B COVID scams

Lesley Fair
You have to say this about scammers: They’re up on current events. As early as February 2020, con artists were already using the coronavirus as a hook for swindles and scams and the FTC was sounding an alert for consumers. It didn’t take long before scammers targeted businesses, too. Now that many companies are returning to an in-person workplace, some fraudsters will try to take advantage of the transition. As you get back to business, keep your...