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Lights of America, Inc., Usman Vakil, and Farooq Vakil
The Federal Trade Commission sued Lights of America Inc. and related defendants for violating federal law by misrepresenting the light output and life expectancy of their LED bulbs, and falsely comparing the brightness of their LED bulbs with that of other light bulbs. A federal court ordered the defendants to pay $21 million to the FTC to provide refunds and banned the defendants from misrepresenting material facts about lighting products. Millions of people bought these LED bulbs at Costco, Sam’s Club, Walmart, hardware stores, grocery stores, and on Amazon.com. The FTC has already returned more than $12 million to people who bought these light bulbs. The claims process is still open.
Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request (Energy Labeling Rule)
16 CFR Part 305: Energy Labeling Rule; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; Request for Public Comment
FTC Proposes Amendments to Improve Usability of the Energy Labeling Rule
Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Christine S. Wilson on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Energy Labeling Rule
FTC Approves Updates to Energy Labeling Rule
The FTC “Lighting Facts” Label: Questions and Answers for Manufacturers
Small Business Computer Security Basics
16 CFR Part 305: Energy Labeling Rule; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; Request for Public Comments
FTC Approves Energy Labeling Rule Changes and Seeks Comment on Others
Fair Packaging and Labeling Act: Regulations Under Section 5(c) of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act
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